Rabu, 14 November 2012
Daftar Situs Download Film Gratis
Sabtu, 10 November 2012
Ebook Gratis Nggak Sekadar Ngampus

Penyusun : Bambang Q-Aness
Bahasa : Indonesia
Jumlah halaman : 188
Format : digibook
File size : 2.02 MB
Kenapa harus sekolah tinggi-tinggi sampai perguruan tinggi toh nanti akhirnya nganggur juga? Kenapa harus kuliah, toh kuliah tidak menjamin masa depanmu cerah? Karena begitu lulus, belum tentu bisa langsung kerja, apalagi kerja dengan jabatan, gajih, dan fasilitas yang oke. Jadi apa gunanya kuliah? Pertanyaan-pertanyaan inilah yang diajukan oleh penulis ebook ini untuk membangkitkan hasrat baik bagi calon mahasiswa maupun yang sudah menjadi mahasiswa untuk mengubah pola pikir yang hanya sekadar ngampus saja. Ebook ini juga boleh dibilang sebagai peta perjalanan anda yang ingin dan masih kuliah karena ebook ini dilengkapi dengan Tips Kuliah di Perguruan Tinggi.
Free Download Ebook Nggak Sekadar Ngampus Gratis, download:
Jumat, 09 November 2012
Rabu, 07 November 2012
Selasa, 06 November 2012
Senin, 05 November 2012
Sabtu, 03 November 2012
Jumat, 02 November 2012
Kamis, 01 November 2012
Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012
A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess
A Clockwork Orange is a 1962 dystopian novella by Anthony Burgess. The novel contains an experiment in language: Burgess creates teenage slang of the not-too-distant future.
In 1998, the Modern Library ranked A Clockwork Orange 65th on its list of the 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century.
A Clockwork Orange is written using a narrative first-person singular perspective of a seemingly biased and unreliable narrator. The protagonist, Alex, never justifies his actions in the narration, giving a sense that he is somewhat sincere; a narrator who, as unlikeable as he may attempt to seem, evokes pity from the reader by telling of his unending suffering, and later through his realisation that the cycle will never end. Alex's perspective is effective in that the way that he describes events is easy to relate to, even if the situations themselves are not.[wikipedia]
Language: English
Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012
Kiss The Moonlight by Barbara Cartland
Senin, 29 Oktober 2012
Chinmi Short Story - Si Kungfu Boy dari Kuil Dairin Menyelamatkan Perkampungan Obat Kerajaan
Komik tentang Upaya Chinmi, si Kungfu boy dari kuil Dairin dalam menyelamatkan Obat persembahan untuk sang Kaisar
Dalam petualangan untuk memperdalam kungfunya, Chinmi berjalan ke sebuah pegunungan, Chinmi yang kelaparan memakan sebuah jamur yang kelihatannya lezat. Ternyata jamur tersebut beracun, hampir saja ia mati kalau saja tidak diselamatkan penduduk perkampungan Ryuukaku. Perkampungan obat yang sering diminta oleh kerajaan untuk membuat obat-obatan yang manjur.
Disaat para laki-laki keluar kampung untuk mencari obat, hanya para wanita dan anak-anak yang tinggal. gerombolan perampok yang dipimpin Uten menyerbu dan menawan para penduduk dan mencoba merampas obat ajaib yang sedianya diberikan kepada kaisar.
Dalam kondisi lemah karena baru pulih dari keracunan, mampukan Chinmi menyelamatkan perkampungan dan merebut kembali obat tersebut ?
Unduh : Chinmi Short story
SAM si 300 Bath
Kisah Chinmi Sam untuk menjadi juara Kickboxer
Karena kondisi keluarganya yang miskin, Sam dijual seharga 300 bath ke sebuah gymnasium Kickboxer. Impian setiap penghuninya adalah menjadi jurara kickboxer dan mendapatkan kekayaan yang melimpah. Disni sam harus menjual tenaganya dengan bekerja keras tiap hari melayani dan mengerjakan semua perintah pemilik gym.
Meski demikian dalam setiap pekerjaan Sam berusaha untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan sambil melatih otot tangan dan kakinya, demi masa depannya ia berlatih keras dengan berlari dari tempat latihannya ke sebuah kuil budha Wat ya Cai Mongkol yang jaraknya 70 km.
Dalam sesi latihan, Sam dijadikan sparring partner oleh Varang, rekannya yang digadang-gadang mampu mengalahkan juara kickboxer terkuat saat itu, Sarmat. Apa lacur, rekannya malah kalah dan mengalami cedera. Hingga pelatih meminta kepada Sam untuk menggantikan rekannya menaklukkan sang Jawara.
Unduh : Sam si 300 bath
Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012
Donald Duck - Lost in the Andes
Lost in the Andes! is a Donald Duck story written by Carl Barks in April 1949. Donald and his nephews go to South America to find the mythical chickens that lay "square eggs" (actually, they are cubic eggs).
The story features Donald and his nephews as members of a museum sponsored expedition searching for the source of a number of square "artifacts" held in the Duckburg museum, recently revealed to be square eggs when Donald drops one and it cracks open. There is a rising interest, both scientific and financial, to find the source of these eggs and the chicken that gave birth to them. The only thing known about them though is that they came from somewhere in the Andes.
During the journey to South America, the nephews use the square eggs to make an omelette. This causes the members of the expedition to come down with food poisoning. By the time their boat reaches Peru, the only ones that have recovered enough to continue the expedition are the youngest in the group and the lowest in hierarchy: Donald and his nephews.
Their search for the square eggs in the Andes seems hopeless as the local population sees them either as insane or as suckers to be fooled into buying artificial eggs. Finally they meet a very old man who tells them of how his father once came into possession of square stones similar to their own. The father had found them on the body of an American explorer who had emerged from a neighboring valley which is covered in perpetual mist. The explorer, who had wandered the valley to the point of exhaustion, died soon afterwards. The old man's father later sold some of the "stones" in a local village and these ended up as the square eggs in the museum.
The Ducks follow the dead man's path into the mists and after days of effort they find a populated valley in the Mountains, hidden by the mists. The inhabitants are entirely cubibal with square heads and noses. They speak with an old Southern American accent taught to them by their previous visitor, the dead man, Professor Rhutt Betlah (probably a play on Rhett Butler) from Birmingham, Alabama, who had discovered their valley during the late 19th century.
During their stay in the valley, which the professor has named "Plain Awful", Huey, Dewey and Louie produce some bubble gum balloons, which is against the law in Plain Awful. It's forbidden to produce any round objects in the valley. The only way to get out of the valley and avoid punishment, is for HD&L to produce square balloons. They manage to do that by teaching the square chickens to chew gum and blow balloons, and then hiding them under their shirts and pretending they make the balloons themselves.
The Ducks convince the very hospitable locals to let them go. The latter are sad to see them go cause they were a source of information from the outside world to their small and isolated civilisation. They give the Ducks the compass that the professor had left in Plain Awful (and which was placed in a museum as a piece of art) and in turn, they teach them square dancing. When they leave the valley, in one of Barks' scarce moralizing moments, Donald remarks that the people in Plain Awful "had so little of anything, yet they were the happiest people we've ever known."
Bringing two square chickens and eggs with them the Ducks again struggle to escape from the mists. Finally, when they do manage it, they are nearly exhausted. The two chickens are still alive, but they had to eat the eggs. It is only when they return to Duckburg that they realise the entire expedition was a failure: both of the chickens are male and naturally can't reproduce. The story ends with Donald now giving an angry response to whoever mentions eggs and chicken to his face.[wikipedia]
Language: English
Rabu, 10 Oktober 2012
Belajar Microsoft Access | Membuat Aplikasi dengan MS Access
- Judul : Yuk Belajar MS Access
- Bahasa : Indonesia
- Penulis : Muhammad Wali
- Tipe File : pdf
- Jumlah Halaman : 57
- Besar File : 1,49 MB
- Keterangan : Untuk Kamu yang ingin belajar MS Access. Ebook ini mengajarkan bagaimana membuat aplikasi sederhana menggunakan Microsoft Office Access. Sangat untuk anda yang ingin membuat program komputer untuk perhitungan gaji karyawan, penjualan, hutang - piutang dan aplikasi lainnya.
Senin, 08 Oktober 2012
Minggu, 07 Oktober 2012
Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2012
Rabu, 26 September 2012
Selasa, 25 September 2012
Senin, 24 September 2012
Minggu, 23 September 2012
Paper Craft : Angry Bird
- Angry Bird - Black Bird
- Angry Bird - Blue Bird
- Angry Bird - King Pig
- Angry Bird - Old Pig
- Angry Bird - Pig
- Angry Bird - Red Bird
- Angry Bird - White Bird
- Angry Bird - Yellow Bird
Format: PDF
Language: English
Sabtu, 08 September 2012
Stephen Hawking - A Briefer History of Time
A Briefer History of Time is a popular-science book published in 2005 from the English physicist Stephen Hawking and the American physicist Leonard Mlodinow. It is an update and rewrite of Hawking's 1988 A Brief History of Time. In this book Hawking and Mlodinow present quantum mechanics, string theory, the big bang theory, and other topics in a more accessible fashion to the general public. The book is updated with newly discovered topics, and informs of recurring subjects throughout the book in greater detail.
It is a science classic made more accessible, more concise, illustrated, and is updated with the latest research of the time. The authors address the nature of space and time, and the history and future of the universe.[wikipedia]
- Thinking About the Universe
- Our Evolving Picture of the Universe
- The Nature of a Scientific Theory
- Newton's Universe
- Relativity
- Curved Space
- The Expanding Universe
- The Big Bang, Black Holes, and the Evolution of the Universe
- Quantum Gravity
- Wormholes and Time Travel
- The Forces of Nature and the Unification of Physics
- Conclusions
Language: English
Kamis, 06 September 2012
Knitting - Panduan tehnik merajut
Panduan tehnik merajut untuk membuat aneka barang
Knitting adalah seni membuat sebuah barang / asesoris dengan menggunakan benang wol. Nah, koleksi ebook kali ini berisi panduan untuk membuat aneka macam barang baik berupa baju hangat, scarf, syal leher maupun mainan dan boneka.
Dalam ebook ini memuat pola, cara mengerjakan hingga foto-foto dan ilustrasi penjelas sehingga memudahkan untuk melakukan proyek ketrampilan yang ada didalamnya.
Unduh :
Hooked Scarves - 20 easy Project
Japanese accecories scarves
Comfort shawl
Knitted toys
Knitting new scarf
Rabu, 05 September 2012
The Magnificent Marriage by Barbara Cartland
Selasa, 04 September 2012
The Golden Age by Kenneth Grahame
The Golden Age is a collection of reminiscences of childhood, written by Kenneth Grahame and originally published in book form in 1895, in London by The Bodley Head, and in Chicago by Stone & Kimball. (The Prologue and six of the stories had previously appeared in the National Observer, the journal then edited by William Ernest Henley.) Widely praised upon its first appearance — Algernon Charles Swinburne, writing in the Daily Chronicle, called it "one of the few books which are well-nigh too praiseworthy for praise" — the book has come to be regarded as a classic in its genre.
Typical of his culture and his era, Grahame casts his reminiscences in imagery and metaphor rooted in the culture of Ancient Greece; to the children whose impressions are recorded in the book, the adults in their lives are "Olympians," while the chapter titled "The Argonauts" refers to Perseus, Apollo, Psyche, and similar figures of Greek mythology. Grahame's reminiscences, in The Golden Age and in the later Dream Days (1898), were notable for their conception "of a world where children are locked in perpetual warfare with the adult 'Olympians' who have wholly forgotten how it feels to be young" — a theme later explored by J. M. Barrie and other authors.
The original English and American editions of the book were printed without illustrations. A later edition, published in Britain and America in 1899 by The Bodley Head, featured black-and-white artwork by Maxfield Parrish — nineteen full-page illustrations and twelve tailpieces. The full-page pictures accompany the eighteen chapters of the book, plus a frontispiece.[Wikipedia]
- Prologue: The Olympians
- A Holiday
- A White-Washed Uncle
- Alarums and Excursions
- The Finding of the Princess
- Sawdust and Sin
- "Young Adam Cupid"
- The Burglars
- A Harvesting
- Snowbound
- What They Talked About
- The Argonauts
- The Roman Road
- The Secret Drawer
- "Exit Tyrannus"
- The Blue Room
- A Falling Out
- "Lusisti Satis"
Language: English
Senin, 06 Agustus 2012
Orasi Bung Tomo dan Pidato Bung karno
Kumpulan Pidato Bung Karno
- Teks Proklamasi Kemerdekaan RI
- Pidato 01
- Pidato Front Nasional 1963
- Pidato Gesuri HUT-RI 1963
- Pidato Hari Pancasila 1950
- Pidato Hari Pramuka
- Pidato HUT-RI 1963
- Pidato Jasmerah HUT-RI 1966
- Pidato Maulid Nabi 1963
- Pidato Didepan Mahasiswa Indonesia di AS
- Pidato Nuzulul Quran 1962
- Pidato di kampus Unair 1959
- Pidato Usai Keliling Dunia
Minggu, 22 Juli 2012
Chinmi/Kung-Fu Boy [02] : The Terrifying Iron Death Fist!!
Sabtu, 21 Juli 2012
Jumat, 20 Juli 2012
Kamis, 21 Juni 2012
Road To The Great Success
- Judul : Road To The Great Success
- Bahasa : Indonesia
- Penulis : Fathuddin Jafar
- Tipe File : exe
- Jumlah Halaman :450
Senin, 18 Juni 2012
Jumat, 15 Juni 2012
Ebook Membuka Tabir Rahasia Hipnotisme Panggung
- Judul : Membuka Tabir Rahasia Hipnotisme Panggung
- Bahasa : Indonesia
- Penulis : Yan Nurindra
- Tipe File : pdf
- Jumlah Halaman :28
Kamis, 07 Juni 2012
Free Audiobook Wisdom And Success 1 Andrie Wongso

Pembicara : Andrie Wongso
Bahasa : Indonesia
Format : audiobook/wma
File size : 55.39 MB
Audiobook 10 Wisdom And Success 1 yang dibawakan oleh Andrie Wongso (Motivator no 1 di Indonesia) ini berisi 10 cerita motivasi dan kebijaksanaan yang berasal dari dataran Tiongkok kuno, antara lain adalah Batang besi yang digosok terus menerus pasti akan menjadi jarum, Apapun yang terjadi patut disyukuri, Jangan takut dan jangan menyesal, Mimpi sang raja, Aku adalah macan, Tengkorak yang banyak bicara, Kekuatan cinta, Batu penghalang di jalan, dan yang terakhir adalah pangeran bongkok. Kesepuluh cerita motivasi dan kebijaksanaan dari zaman Tiongkok kuno ini mungkin sudah pernah anda baca di koran, majalah atau di sebuah blog motivasi, akan tetapi mendengarkan audiobook ini terasa jauh berbeda ketimbang membaca sebuah tulisan karena terasa lebih hidup dan termotivasi, terlebih lagi audiobook ini juga diselingi musik China klasik yang menyejukkan hati sehingga memberi nilai tambah tersendiri bagi audiobook motivasi yang satu ini dalam memberikan semangat dan kebijaksanaan dalam menjalankan kehidupan kita.
Free Download Audiobook Wisdom And Success 1 Andrie Wongso Gratis, download:
Rabu, 06 Juni 2012
Selasa, 05 Juni 2012
Senin, 04 Juni 2012
Ebook Gratis The AirAsia Story(Kisah Maskapai Tersukses di Asia)

Pengarang : Sen Ze, Jayne Ng
Bahasa : Indonesia
Jumlah halaman : 204
Format : digibook
File size : 1.28 MB
Wawancara yang dilakukan Direktur Jawa Post (Azrul Ananda) terhadap Bos AirAsia dan Formula 1 (Tony Frenandes) di Grand Prix Malaysia, Sirkuit Serpang pada hari ini dan kemarin di koran Jawa Post mengingatkan saya kalau ada sebuah ebook bagus yang belum (kelupaan) diposting/share di blog ini. Yah, ebook itu adalah Air Asia Story (Kisah Maskapai Tersukses di Asia).
Berikut ini adalah Sinopsis dari Ebook Air Asia Strory:
Dahulu, mendapatkan tiket semurah ini mustahil, tapi sejak masuknya AirAsia ke Indonesia pada tahun 2004, segalanya menjadi mungkin.
Maskapai yang berdiri di Malaysia sejak tahun 2002 ini, awalnya hanya bermodalkan dua pesawat serta menanggung utang sebesar seratus milyar rupiah. Namun, hanya dalam satu tahun operasinya, ia menjadi trendsetter maskapai udara hemat biaya di Asia. Kini, AirAsia mengangkut jutaan penumpang dan mendapatkan keuntungan bersih ratusan milyar setiap tahunnya.
Bagaimana bisa AirAsia bisa untung padahal tiket yang ditawarkannnya amat murah? Apa yang bisa kita ambil dari strategi bisnis yang dianutnya? Bagaimana AirAsia mampu menyelesaikan segala kendala dan rintangan yang dihadapinya?
Free Download Ebook Air Asia Story(Kisah Maskapai Tersukses di Asia) Gratis, download:
Kamis, 31 Mei 2012
The Judgement of Love by Barbara Cartland
Rabu, 30 Mei 2012
Selasa, 29 Mei 2012
Senin, 28 Mei 2012
Sabtu, 26 Mei 2012
Jumat, 25 Mei 2012
Jules Verne - Around the World in 80 Days
The whole time he is being trailed by a detective who thinks he is a bank robber.
Kamis, 24 Mei 2012
How to Make Money from Blogging
The whole idea of blogging is somewhat overwhelming to many Internet marketers. The thought of writing fresh content on a consistent basis drives some people away from blogging almost as quick as they get started.
Here’s a thought that might change your mind. What if you were actually making money from your blog?
Would you be more interested in doing it? Here’s 3 easy ways to get your blog ready to make money.
- Join Google Adsense and put ads where people can find them. Google offers good tutorials on how to do this. This is easy money because you do not have to sell anything
- Join ClickBank and add text link ads in the body of your blog articles. Do this by hyperlinking a keyword phrase to a product from Clickbank.You can also paste in graphics many publishers have made for you. If you do not know how to do this get busy and learn. It is not hard.
- Paste a couple of banners to CPA affiliate programs on the sidebar of your blog. This is easy money as well. Join Commission Junction for access to a large variety of CPA Programs in different niches.
As your traffic increases you will actually get other internet marketers wanting to pay you to place their banner on your blog.
If writing content is still overwhelming to you hire a blog writer and let them do it. You can purchase blog articles for around $50 and that will give you a nice steady flow of content to add to your blog every month.
Minggu, 20 Mei 2012
Sabtu, 19 Mei 2012
Jumat, 18 Mei 2012
Download Audiobook Gratis Financial Revolution In Action

Pembicara : Ongky Hojanto
Bahasa : Indonesia
Format : Mp3
File size : 26.47 MB
Audiobook ini adalah bonus dari pembelian
Free Download Audiobook Financial Revolution In Action Gratis, download:
Cerita Dongeng Anak – Peri dan Hutan Berkabut
Kamis, 17 Mei 2012
Origami: How to Make Origami Airplanes That Fly By Gery Hsu
Clearly written, carefully illustrated how-to book shows origamists how to create 12 different models that actually fly: space shuttle, futuristic shuttle, flying wing, delta-wing jet, fighter plane, interceptor, double tail fighter, dart plane, fighter plane with engines, futuristic fighter, and 2 different jets. Step-by-step directions and diagrams.
Download Buku GRATIS
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