Selasa, 25 Mei 2010

Atlas of the Universe

Atlas of the Universe, 2005

288 pages | 2005 | PDF | 47.95 MB

This best-selling reference book is a must for amateur astronomers. Written by Sir Patrick Moore, Britain's best-known astronomer, it is a classic and highly readable account of the stars, the planets and the Universe, together with practical advice on observing the night sky. This fully revised new edition has been updated to include the latest information and images from the current space missions, including Cassini. It is illustrated with hundreds of colour pictures, including spectacular photographs from ground-and space-based telescopes. It also contains a complete atlas of the constellations.


2 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

password untuk ebook atlas of the universe apa ya? thank's banyak
thank's juga untuk ebook2 nya yang oke2

Anonim mengatakan...

sama nih, paswordnya apa ya?

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